Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dear Apple: Edward Bulwer-Lytton was correct...

"The pen is mightier than the sword" and I've learned that through the short life of this blog at least twice so far.  Once painfully so in expressing myself about something personal that I certainly should not have (see "An Apology...") and now in a surprising response to my recent rantings about an Apple retail experience I had (see "Apple Ugh...").  This power however can have (not with my meager little ramblings though) an exponential growth factor that is incalculable because of the huge "on--line" audience that may be out there.  As with any "tool" or "weapon" used in the wrong hands or used the wrong way it can be dangerous.  However, used in the right way in the right hands (all subjective of course) it can bring delightful surprises.

The gentlemen from Apple who actually read my blog called me and told me about a lesson he had learned sometime back from his Mom (of course, I know, now I sound like I'm 110 years old) who said:   "Always remember one person usually tells about 12 people about an experience to which each of those may tell another 12."  Obviously these days, one person writing into the ether of the Internet may be telling who knows how many people?  By the way, my blog as of yet has NO followers but my statistics and my experiences show a LOT of people reading it and not just in this country.  

So I was delightfully surprised to find that when someone from Apple actually called me.  Little old me who had a bad consumer experience (and ranted about it here) while trying to buy a small Apple gadget from one of the Apple retail stores in my area. So kudos to Apple here for really caring about customer service.  And using "my pen" I will be writing directly to the store's management to thank them for their attention and consideration.

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