Monday, July 27, 2015

Old Enough to Die!

That's the thought that tiptoed into my mind some weeks ago.  It came to me when I saw (on FaceBook of all places) that someone I knew from high school died.  It was sudden from what I see.  No illness, not an accident, just found at home deceased.  He was 60.  To me he was "only 60" as I am "only" 61.  But it occurred to me that dying in ones 60's is no longer too young to die.  That can be said of someone in their fifties and certainly any earlier than that.  But, somehow, once the crest of the sixth decade arrives... you are there (or at least I am)... old enough to die.

Of course there are plenty of people around well into their 80's and beyond.  My former mother-in-law (God bless her for so many reasons) is 85 or + (not sure) and she is my ideal.  My husband's aunt lived to be 101 (not sure I want to hang on that long).  My own mother died when she was 74.  With everything I can put together about myself I'll probably live to be around 75.  Then again I really could die tomorrow.  But I've realized that for me I am really old enough to die.

And, if so, have I lived a life that I'm right with finishing?  That's a question for another writing when I've had more time and perhaps a bit of wine :)